And Now, to the Pictures!
First, the kitchen, before:

Bleh. Notice the grimy blue carpet. It's glued down ... with wood glue.
and so far:

The cabinets are being painted flat black (blackboard paint), with silver lower doors, and Safety Red drawers and upper doors. I cleaned the chromed handles, which are all the same for the main bank of cabinets (BTW, magic eraser sponges work great for this, with a bit of degreaser for the greasy parts - my friend K. thought I had replated them!), then picked out the six most worn ones and sprayed them black with epoxy paint. Those six went on the matte silver doors, and the cleaned chrome ones look wonderful against the red painted drawers.
We plan to do the same to the sink cabinet, but it involves a bit more work to take apart. Plus we need to buy more paint...
I am really loving how the cheapo sticky tiles are making the old floor look larger. It's not ideal, and not period to the house, but we'll have a kitchen we can enjoy until we can do better.
And now, the Original Front Door (now the living room interior door), with Icky Kwiky goldtone lockset:

and without:

The paint is pretty bad, yes, but cleaning the hardware and making it pretty can wait until we're in the house. Removing the offending modern lockset prior to moving in could not wait. And it still looks better than it did.
I'm no Indiana Jones, but I did discover some cool stuff in the cellar.
For example, when you look up and you aren't busy being terrified by Horrible Old Wiring, you can find some bizarre things, like an old Esso sign being used to fit the new ductwork under the original coal furnace heat vent:

Plus, I think the part that was cut out is leaning against a wall elsewhere. Neat.
Now, I know it's not cellar related, but do you remember these?

Anyway, those panels? They're made of another old sign:

I think the rest of it has been used to make the interior cellar door solid, and that's a whole entry all by itself. Anyway, get a load of the name - "Critic Feeds" :D
Back to creeping around in the basement. I stuck the camera through a hole I punched in the plastic stapled over the access to the foundation of the dining room bay, adn I took some photos, to see what was there.
I found an old porch swing and some mouldings:

and what probably happened to parts of the original kitchen cabinets:

Yep, that's what they are. I don't think they are salvageable. Makes you sad, too, doesn't it? At least I will have references to use when we do get around to doing the Big Kitchen Renovation.
And finally, to close, here's a couple of images of the old (but not original) coal furnace:

More photos later, but this is a good start. I still haven't found any stamping, but I'm too pregnant to fit through the attic access panel, which is where i'm most liekly to find marks.
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